I just love this little angel boy so much. He has a great big chunk of my heart held tight in his little fist. When his mom and dad decided to find a new nanny I told my husband "it feels like I just got broken up with". He said they would realize what they had. He was right. Just like an immature high school boy who broke up with his sweet girlfriend for a girl on cheer team and then got burned, they want me back. They realized no one else could love that angel boy as much as I do. They realized how much I cared about what is best for their kids. (I bet they also realized that most other nannies don't make gourmet dinners, either.) This time I'm back on my own terms.
Looking into his sweet eyes makes me want my own. If I can love him so much, I can't imagine how much I would love one that I helped make. One I don't have to give back at the end of the day. Mike gets frustrated when I think this way. He is the practical one of the two of us. He tells me "be patient". He thinks about his car that is about to break down. He thinks about the mortgage payment we will be paying in a few weeks. He thinks about my "career". I don't care about all of that. I just want an angel boy of my own to hold. But I know Mike is right.... I will try to be patient.
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