Friday, February 26, 2010

Pizza & Confidence

Some random old drunk guy at a party once asked me, "What kind of pizza do people like?". I thought about it for a few minutes and guessed, "Pepperoni?". "No!", he said, "Everyone likes different kinds of pizza!". Then, I thought he was crazy, but the point he was trying to get across is that just like everyone likes different kinds of pizza, every guy has different taste in women. In his drunken state he was trying to make me feel good about myself and realize that some guy out there likes his "pizza" curvy with a huge butt and green eyes. He was right. Mike likes that kind of pizza.

Lately I have been having image issues. I mean, come on, what girl doesn't!? One of my friends posted a note on fb basically conveying her opinion that women should take care of ourselves so that we are attractive to men. She was frustrated with women who expect men to disregard exterior appearances and see only their heart and mind. I have been thinking a lot about her opinion. On one hand I really agree with her. I feel confident and attractive on the days that I take the time do my hair and put on some makeup. I think my husband finds that confidence sexy. I also thinks it makes him feel good to know that I put in the effort for him; that I'm not "letting myself go". But something bothered me about that note. I'm sick of not feeling good enough exactly the way I am. I'm sick of feeling like the fat girl. I don't want to keep thinking, "I'll look good when we get that treadmill set up and I lose a few pounds", because damnit, I'm beautiful just how I am right now! I'm healthy. I'm sexy. I may look more like a figure in one of Rubens' paintings than a girl on the front of a magazine, but I'm gonna stop telling myself that's a bad thing. I'm gonna start being more proud of the way I look (even in my underwear). Don't get me wrong, I'm no plus-size model. I have the narrow shoulders and modest chest from my dad's gene pool awkwardly paired with the muscular legs, womanly hips, and big behind from my mom's side. But who the hell cares! I look good! Especially in my favorite jeans and a pair of heels.

I'm not saying its OK for me to finish off a whole box off girl scout cookies and sit in front of the TV all day. Im just saying I'm glad I'm the kind of girl who orders a burger and a beer at a sports bar, not the kind of girl who picks at her salad. That's more fun anyway.

Ladies, embrace yourselves! Love yourself exactly the way you are! You are somebody's favorite kind of pizza.


  1. I love this Kat! I totally agree!!!

  2. I couldn't agree more! I spent too many years thinking "I would be perfect if only..." Perfection is overrated, and I like my curves! And for the record, you are GORGEOUS!

    And I love stopping by your blog! Really and truly! :)

  3. I'm surrounded by girl scout cookies! I almost ate a box of the mint ones... I love your advice but if I keep eating these darn cookies I'm gonna break out and be somebodies favorite pepperoni pizza (lol) have fun and thanks for stopping by my blog too, Mike
