Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Old Neighborhood

My grandparents house (where we are staying) is right smack dab in my old neighborhood-my old stomping ground. In fact, they live right across the street from my dad. I went to high school in this neighborhood. I had plenty of friendships and memories and let downs in this neighborhood. I got my first speeding ticket right down the street. I got my hair highlighted the first time (red, chocolate, and bleach-blonde all at once. What was I thinking?) a few intersections down the road. I peed in the school parking lot. I even screamed profanities at the sky in that parking lot with my dear Bajo when we were having a particularly bad night. My car got egged in this neighborhood. I sledded on a toboggan roped to the back of a car in this neighborhood. I got drunk with my mom the first time in this neighborhood. You get the picture...

Well being back feels weird. I was pretty comfortable going out with my hair in a knot and minimal make up on when I left our apartment to run errands. But now, in this place, I better not go out without looking great because goodness knows I will run into someone I know. It might be the cool girl whose expensive clothes I always coveted. It might be the cute boy my little sister went to prom with. It could even be one of my teachers or someone I hated, but I still would be mortified to run into someone looking like a hobo.

Call me vain but it's the truth. And I bet you can relate. I can't wait until I move to a place where no one knows me. Then I can leave the house not only looking bad but smelling bad too! hahahaha


  1. I'm always uncomfortable going home for that same reason! Who knows who I'm going to see and have to impress into thinking that I am just plain fabulous all of the time!

  2. That's totally the trick... you have to let people think you are fabulous all the time, but only be fabulous when you see them. I just love being comfortable a little more than I love feeling pretty.
