Sunday, January 23, 2011

Time to Clear the Clutter

About a week ago I was spending some much needed time with one of my friends who lives out of town. She was in town for the holidays and drove an hour and a half to see me before I headed to DC.

This friend is one of those soul mate friends. The kind that knows your past, present, and future. The kind that you can go months without talking to but will still understand you.

This friend gave me a reality check. She caught me at a weak moment. I was flustered with trying to pack and make diner and spend quality time with her all at once. I was frustrated that nothing seemed to fit and that none of my clothes seemed just right to pack.

Talking to her that night was like looking in a mirror. I saw my flaws. She so gracefully and lovingly pointed out the places where I am lacking. She made me feel like I could fix it.

My life has gotten cluttered. I can blame it on the holidays, or finals, or work or anything else, but really there is no excuse. My house always feels messy. My car is a wreck. I loathe everything in my closet. My body is even annoying. The clutter in my life was starting to get in my head.

Why not fix it? Why not donate every single piece of clothing in my closet that I don't love. I would rather wear clothes that fit well and make me feel good than have a whole closet full of clothes that I bought for no reason. Why did I buy them in the first place? They were on sale? I felt like shopping? I keep buying cheap shit that I don't love instead of spending a little extra on things that are classic and high-quality.

And my closet is just the beginning. I feel like I need to clean my whole life out. I'm working on it. Having less goes further. It makes me feel more in control.

I'm thankful that I had someone who could remind me. It's funny how you relearn things that you already know. Even though it's getting better, I'm sure I will need another reminder. Luckily, I have amazing people in my life who aren't afraid to set me straight.

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