Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Life isn't a fairy tale....but it still rocks

I have a great husband.

I have avoided these types of posts before because no one wants to hear about the happily ever after, but lately I have been thinking about how lucky I really am. I'm not going to kill you all with our sappy-sweet love story. I'm just going to be real.

The other night my aunt and cousin were over for a little birthday dinner and later my cousin told me that they talked about how great Mike is the whole way home. That really made me smile on the inside.

We aren't that sappy sweet kind of couple where everything is perfect. In fact, nothing is perfect at all. Sometimes I whine. Sometimes I yell. Sometimes he yells back. Sometimes we have communication issues. Sometimes I feel like my needs aren't being met. Sometimes I don't meet his needs. We argue all the time and drive each other crazy. But...

#1: He really truly cares about me. He loves me and wants what is best for me. When I cry his heart aches. When I'm happy he is happy. He really knows me exactly as I am. I can be myself and I am myself when he is around. I don't feel like I have to put on any airs. In fact, I think he is the person who I am the most comfortable with in the whole world.

#2: He is the most committed and honest man in the whole world. He isn't giving up. He's not walking away. He's not tricking me or being sneaky or untruthful. It's not in his nature. I never have to worry about that. If he ever did anything wrong when I wasn't around he would feel so guilty he would tell me. And, I would even have to be angry because he would punish himself more than I could ever punish him. He wants to provide for me and make me happy. He is a real man.

Sometimes I think there are things I would change about him. Maybe I would get rid of his temper, or make him more outgoing, or a few inches taller, or give him a face like Ricky Martin or abs like The Situation. But, I wouldn't trade any of the amazing things about him for any of those things. Not in a million years. (And let's be honest I'm sure if he could snap his fingers and give me Giselle's legs he would)

My point is, we aren't perfect. Not even a little bit. Anyone that knows us has probably seen us fight and it's not very pretty. He has even punched walls and slammed doors in my face and I have probably called him names that are even more awful, but we still dig each other. I am pretty damn lucky to have a guy like him.

If I compare what we have to the movies it will always fall short. Life isn't a fairy tale. But when I look around at everything going on around me I am so grateful. I have the best man. Two imperfect people are going to make an imperfect relationship. But we are both pretty freakin awesome for each other.

(pssst...that job that I interviewed for the other day? well I got it!!)

1 comment:

  1. I love this post Kat... Every last bit of it!

    And I'm squeeling over that last line!! Congratulations!
