Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Letting off a little steam

I slept great last night. In fact, I fell asleep in about 20 seconds flat (probably to the dismay of my husband, sorry hon!) I woke up remembering that I had promised the kids we would tie-dye today which we were all pretty excited about. I laid in bed thinking I would like to wear something comfy-cute. Somehow that translated into yoga pants, a broncos T-shirt, and a messy bun. Let me tell ya... it looked a lot cuter in my head. Instead of looking comfy-cute, I am sporting a bad combo of bed head, birkenstocks, and stained T-shirt. Ew. To make matters worse, the kids are having a cranky kind of day, and Michael's was only able to supply us with the RIT dye that now stains my hands- rubber bands would take another stop. Another stop including buckling three kids into car seats, holding three little hands, walking slowly through the aisles, and then repeating the process to get back in the car. While we were out, Mike let me know that the ladies who had been planning on moving into our apartment are now buying a house instead. Just lovely. And to put the icing on the cake Shea announced halfway through our tie-dying experience that going to the museum yesterday was a lot more fun. Thanks for the input, Shea!

Now that they are fed and having quiet time, I am winding down from the disappointment of the day. I am distracting myself with:

It's working pretty well. I'm starting to think more rationally and my grudge towards Mike for letting our subleaser-lessness occur is starting to fade away. Isn't it amazing what blogs and wrist cuffs can do?? PLUS I have the prospect of seeing my brand new tie-dyed shirts come out of the dryer later on this afternoon and snuggling with a sweet angel boy with bed head post-nap.

Now if only I knew what God was gonna do about this house mess. Anyone have a crystal ball I can borrow? I know, I know. He is teaching me to have patience and trust. And I am not being a very good student.

PS: Getting frustrated with the kids' sassiness first makes me relieved that I only have 5 more days left of work, and then extremely sad that I won't be "nanny" anymore. :(

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