Here's what...

I turned 23 and we all know what a birthday princess I am....

...and it wouldn't be a party without a few games of twister with my sis!...

...and then Mike smashed me in the face with a cupcake so of course I got him back....

...did I mention that street clothes were not allowed?? Sweats only!...

A few days later my cuzzy (that cute brunette one right there) graduated from missionary school so we took a trip to Garden of the Gods to celebrate...

...and then my love Lori hosted an around the world party. I was Thailand. I brought curry, and we took silly prom pictures....

...the next day we surprised my bestie with a party to celebrate her graduation from nursing school! Soo proud!...

...and last but CERTAINLY not least we took a little trip over the pond with our pals Bailey and Candice to MEXICO!...

...where of course I had a drink or two (or 20).... I said, 20.....
So that's where I've been and what I've been up to!